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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


temps, formes verbales


groupe verbal > expressions du futur


be + going + toconnecteur + Base Verbale (BV)






be + going + toconnecteur + BV







be + going + toconnecteur + bebase verbale + Vparticipe passé passif








sens / valeurs


théâtralisation, dramatisation,

proclamation, effet d'annonce

assurance, garantie


I am going to be a terrorist























































The Guardian        p. 1        7 April 2007

















The Guardian        p. 4        17 February 2007

















The Guardian        University 2006        p. 12        18.6.2006

















Loomus    Steven Appleby

The Guardian    Family    p. 2    4.3.2006


















Jeff Danziger

Cagle / Los Angeles Times Syndicate



Jeb Bush = Florida Governor and George W. Bush's brother.

George W. Bush = 43rd president of the United States of America.

Related: Terri Schiavo's case

















The Guardian        p. 15        24.3.2005















be + going + to -> BV

permet également

de faire une prédiction ou une prévision,

à partir de signes observables

dans une situation / conjoncture donnée

(anaphore) :




Mark Trail        Jack Elrod

Created by Ed Dodd in 1946        10.2.2005











Faux-semblants :

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice peut mentir

et prétendre avoir vu ces signes.


Dans la caricature ci-dessous,

le premier ministre Gordon Brown,

contre toute prévision objective,

promet un avenir radieux

alors qu'une grave récession est prévue.






Gerald Scarfe cartoon

Sunday Times

December 21, 2008



character: Gordon Brown










I'm going to live forever


Some scientists predict that today's children

will be able to live for more than 1,000 years.

Is immortality just around the corner?

Bryan Appleyard peers

into a hair-raising future without death

Headline and sub, Times, 13.3.2005,

0,,2092-1522606,00.html - broken link






Valeurs énonciatives corollaires fréquentes :




forte implication de l'énonciateur et du co-énonciateur,

validation de l'information,

expression d'une sur-volonté.



Traduction explicative :


- moi qui vous parle,

je suis une autorité en la matière et je vais vous dire,

à vous qui ne me croyez peut-être pas encore,

ce qui va se passer.


- Tout va se passer comme je vous le dis,

comme je le veux,

tel que je le dis / prédis.






Autre valeur :

be + going + to + Base Verbale

place le co-énonciateur / la co-énonciatrice

dans un continuum factuel et discursif.


Traduction explicative :


- moi qui vous parle,

je prends les choses en main, ne vous inquiétez pas,

ce qui va se passer est prévu,

normal, routinier, rassurant, inéluctable.





Rex Morgan

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        10.2.2005











THEY came from all over Christendom,

as they have for centuries but, on this day,

the thousands of pilgrims in St Peter’s Square were not buzzing

over their first glimpse of the mighty basilica.

For once, they gathered not to see anything or anyone

but just to be there;

to be part of the vigil, to pray and pay tribute

as the world held its breath for the Pope.

The atmosphere was sombre and subdued.

“There have been no pickpockets today,”

one policeman said.

Christians of all denominations and non-believers

were united as evening came

and the Pope appeared to be entering the final phase

of what has been such a long

but remarkably dignified final journey.

“It’s a strange atmosphere,”

said Phillip Williams, from Sherston, Wiltshire.

“Everyone knows it’s going to happen.

There’s this great expectancy

and sense that it could be at any moment

— and there’s a feeling of guilt

that you are hanging around

waiting for it to happen.

We just had to be here to share in his suffering:
As pilgrims gathered in Rome,
their mood was sombre and resigned,
T, 2.4.2005.


















Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan

listens to a question while testifying

before the U.S. House Financial Services Committee

on Capitol Hill, February 17, 2005.

Greenspan said

the Social Security retirement program is in serious trouble,

but avoided saying it was in 'crisis'

-- as President Bush has charged.


Photo by Larry Downing/Reuters

'Ownership' Key Soc. Sec. Goal -Greenspan


Thu Feb 17, 2005        05:56 PM ET







Greenspan went before the committee

to discuss the Fed's semiannual economic report,

but Bush's politically contentious proposal

to create private accounts quickly

became the hearing's focus.


The president wants to let workers divert

a portion of their Social Security payroll taxes

into individual accounts

as part of a larger overhaul intended to deal

with a looming funding shortfall for the 70-year old system.

Democrats are united against Bush's plan,

which they say would endanger workers' retirement security

and entail trillions of dollars in government borrowing

since there would be less tax revenue to cover benefit payments.

While embracing the concept of private accounts,

Greenspan urged a go-slow approach

because of uncertainty over

how financial markets might greet such large-scale borrowing.

Without changes,

the Social Security trust fund will be exhausted in 2042.

Experts say benefits need to be cut,

taxes raised or a combination of both to ensure solvency.

While Bush has called the looming funding problem a crisis,

Greenspan said he would not go that far.

"I would not use the word crisis," he said.

"Crisis to me usually refers to something

which is going to happen tomorrow

or is on the edge of going into a very serious change.

That is not going to happen."

    'Ownership' Key Soc. Sec. Goal -Greenspan, R, Thu Feb 17, 2005, 05:56 PM ET,






"It won't be easy to get there

because there are obstacles,"

the president said, adding :

"But we'll achieve this.

It's going to make economic sense to do this,

it's going to mean that our air is cleaner

and our national security is more secure.

It's going to happen."

Road to Hydrogen Cars Has Bumps,
WSJ, p. A4, 7/9.3.2003.






"We're going to find this problem

and we're going to fix it

and we're going to get back to flight,"

General Kostelnik said.

An Uncertain Future For the Space Station,
NYT/Le Monde, p. 6, 9/10.02.2003.






Vine has the right tone:

he manages to express the listeners' views

without seeming either to endorse or condescend to them.

Whether he can pin down listeners' affections

as tightly as Young did is another matter;

but it sounds as if he's going to give it a damn good try.

The JV Prog hits the right wavelength, I, p. 3, 7.1.2003.






The freezing weather showed no signs of abating yesterday,

with savage frosts expected overnight and forecasters predicting

temperatures as low as minus 20C in some parts of Britain. (§ 1)


"Over the next 24 hours

it is going to stay severely cold,"

the Met Office said.

"Over the week it is going to stay cold

- bitterly cold on Tuesday and Wednesday

- but Thursday and Friday are not so bad." (§ 5/5).

I, p. 1, January 2003.






A series of gun-related crimes

is reported in the press over the last week and,

as sure as night follows day,

we have an immediate response from the government

that it is going to bring forward legislation

to increase the penalty for possessing a gun.

At a time when our prisons are straining at the seams

we have a headline-grabbing policy

which may in the short term look good,

and in the medium term will probably be

either irrelevant or counter-productive.

On top of this it is announced

that the prime minister is

going to take personal control

of a new crusade against guns.

Visas will monitor Jamaicans travelling to the UK,

and instant deportation will face asylum seekers

found in possession of such weapons.

Better drugs laws will cut gun crime, GE, p. 8, 9.1.2003,






As for spin doctors, "It's a bit like the emperor's clothes.

Someone is going to come along one day and say:

'This is a fantasy. We don't need these people.

We should do away with them'."

Speaker lays into spin doctors as a 'nuisance',
GE, p. 5, 2.1.2003.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative > Niveau avancé


be + -ing




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