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present perfect



en anglais américain / américanisé


en anglais britannique :


proposition principale



present perfect


passé ?








anglais britannique



proposition principale au

present perfect simple

actif affirmatif


haveauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé


it has achieved

a return of 18.3 per cent a year growth

over the last five years.


















anglais américain


proposition principale > present actif affirmatif


U.S. Records

Highest Number Of Coronavirus Cases In 1 Day

Since Pandemic Began














anglais américain


present perfect actif affirmatif


haveauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé


Coronavirus World Map:

We've Now Passed

The 100 Million Mark For Infections


January 29, 2021








Florida's Farmers Look At Irma's Damage:

'Probably The Worst [ thatŘ ] We've Seen'


September 12, 2017    NPR



















































passé actif



Over the past few months,

the probe moved into a new phase

when James subpoenaed Trump

and his two eldest children,

Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump.







The attack was

[ passé actif ]

the deadliest in Baghdad in years

— at least since 2009


and was

[ passé actif ]


among the worst

Iraq has faced

[ present perfect actif ]

since the American invasion of 2003.

Bombing Kills More Than 140 in Baghdad,
NYT, July 3, 2016,
















information inédite


passé actif





Mom... Elizabeth just went outside.

[ passé actif > valeur énonciative > information ]


For Better or For Worse

Lynn Johnston

Washington Post

[ U.S. comics ]

September 4, 2011


















I just finished a sandwich

[ passé actif > valeur énonciative > information ]


Gasoline Alley

by Jim Scancarelli


[ U.S. comics ]

October 02, 2011



















Richie Thompson just friended me on Facebook!

[ passé actif > valeurs > information ]



by Bill Amend

[ U.S. comics ]


September 18, 2011



















The Guardian        G2        p. 4        2 December 2008

















bilan, constat > autres énoncés



President Obama on Transition in Egypt

White House    1 February 2011





President Obama on Transition in Egypt

Video        White House        1 February 2011


The President speaks on the situation in Egypt

and says the orderly transition

"must be meaningful, must be peaceful, and must begin now."







THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, everybody.

Over the past few days,

the American people have watched

[ constat au present perfect actif ]

the situation unfolding in Egypt.


We’ve seen

[ constat au present perfect actif ]

enormous demonstrations by the Egyptian people.


We’ve borne

[ constat au present perfect actif ]

witness to the beginning of a new chapter

in the history of a great country,

and a long-time partner of the United States.


And my administration has been

[ bilan au present perfect actif ]

in close contact with our Egyptian counterparts

and a broad range of the Egyptian people,

as well as others across the region and across the globe.


And throughout this period,

we’ve stood for

[ bilan au present perfect actif ]

a set of core principles.


Remarks by the President on the Situation in Egypt

February 01, 2011        Grand Foyer        White House
















Bombing Kills

More Than 140 in Baghdad


JULY 3, 2016

The New York Times






As celebrations for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan

stretched past midnight into Sunday in central Baghdad,

where Iraqis had gathered to eat,

shop and just be together,

a minivan packed with explosives blew up

and killed at least 143 people —

the third mass slaughter across three countries

in less than a week.


The attack was

[ bilan au passé actif affirmatif ]

the deadliest in Baghdad in years

— at least since 2009

and was among the worst

Iraq has faced

[ bilan au present perfect actif affirmatif ]

since the American invasion of 2003.


The bombing came barely a week

after Iraqi security forces, backed by American airstrikes,

celebrated the liberation of Falluja from the Islamic State,

which almost immediately claimed responsibility

for the attack.

Bombing Kills More Than 140 in Baghdad,
NYT, July 3, 2016,







the Islamic State

has won and lost

 [ bilan au present perfect actif affirmatif ]


JUNE 18, 2016

The New York Times





[ ... ]

What the Islamic State Has Won and Lost,
he New York Times, June 18, 2016,






Op-Ed Contributor

Obama’s Audience Speaks First

September 9, 2009

The New York Times



Over the last few years, in preparation for a new play,

I interviewed  [ bilan au passé actif affirmatif ]

doctors, patients and healers about the human body,

its resilience and its vulnerability.

Although our conversations were not primarily about the

health care debate, they do reveal many of the feelings

and thoughts of the people in the audience

President Obama will address tonight.

[ ... ]

Obama’s Audience Speaks First, The New York Times, 9.9.2009,






Texas Report Says

12 Girls at Sect Ranch Were Married


December 24, 2008

The New York Times



Texas child welfare officials have concluded

that a dozen under-age girls

living at the ranch of a polygamist sect

that was raided in April were involved

in “spiritual” marriages to older men.

It also said that hundreds of children at the ranch

had suffered neglect through their exposure

to such improper relationships.

The findings were released Tuesday in a report

by the Texas Department of Family

and Protective Services

that focused on the sect living

at the Yearning for Zion Ranch in Eldorado.

 [ ... ]

After receiving a call alleging child abuse at the ranch from someone claiming to be a teenage sect member, the authorities raided the West Texas compound and removed 439 children. The raid drew national attention for weeks as the state grappled with placing the children in foster care, and the F.L.D.S. went to court to win their return.

Both the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals ruled that the raid had been too broad, that it was not backed by evidence of sexual abuse, and that there had been no grounds to seize the children. Ultimately, all but one of the children were returned to their parents, and the authorities have investigated whether the original report of abuse was a hoax.

Since the raid, however,

12 men living at the ranch were indicted

[ bilan au passé passif affirmatif ]

by a grand jury in Eldorado,

on charges including the sexual assault of a minor

and bigamy.

[ ... ]

Texas Report Says 12 Girls at Sect Ranch Were Married,
The New York Times, 24.12.2008,






As Homes Are Lost,

Fears That Votes Will Be, Too


September 25, 2008

The New York Times



More than a million people have lost

[ bilan au present perfect actif affirmatif ]

their homes through foreclosure in the last two years,

and many of them are still registered to vote

at the address of the home they lost

[ information chronologique au passé actif affirmatif ].

Now election officials and voting rights groups

are struggling to prevent thousands of them

from losing their vote

when they go to the polls in November.

Many of these voters will be disqualified at the polls because, in the tumult of their foreclosure, they neglected to tell their election board of their new address. Some could be forced to vote with a provisional ballot or challenged by partisan poll watchers, a particular concern among Democrats who fear that poor voters will be singled out. That could add confusion and stretch out lines that are already expected to be long because of unprecedented turnout.

Federal election officials say they are concerned that voters are not being properly informed of how to update their addresses.

“Our biggest concern is that many of these voters will stay home or that poll workers will give misinformation,” said Rosemary E. Rodriguez, the chairwoman of the federal Election Assistance Commission, which oversees voting.

Todd Haupt, a home builder, lost his home in Josephville, Mo., to foreclosure last year, and said he had since become much more interested in politics. But asked whether he had remembered to update his voter registration information when he moved into his parents’ home in St. Charles, Mo., Mr. Haupt, 33, paused silently. “Is that required?” he said. “I had no idea.”

I’ve moved [ present perfect actif affirmatif ] three times

in the past two years,” he added.

“Keeping my voter registration information was not top on my mind because I figured it was all set already.”

Ms. Rodriguez said the commission issued a notice this month encouraging voters to update their registration information before the Oct. 6 cutoff date imposed by many states for new voter registrations. She added that the commission considered issuing a notice this month informing local officials how to handle these voters, but in the end decided not to give poll chal-lengers any ideas on new tactics for singling out voters.

Many of the nation’s highest foreclosure rates are also in crucial swing states like Colorado, Florida, Michigan and Ohio. Because many homeowners in foreclosure are black or poor, and are considered probable Democratic voters in many areas, the issue has begun to have political ramifications. Political parties have long challenged voters with expired registrations, but the possible use of foreclosure lists to remove people from the rolls — though entirely legal — has become a new partisan flashpoint.

Last week, Senator Barack Obama’s campaign filed a lawsuit in federal court, seeking to prohibit the Michigan Republican Party from using foreclosure lists to single out and challenge voters. The state Republican Party has denied having any such plans.

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, sent a letter last week along with a dozen other Democratic senators to Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey asking him to ensure that voters facing foreclosure are not harassed or intimidated at polling places.

In Ohio, liberal-leaning groups are planning to help people in foreclosure and families who are homeless to vote by using a five- to seven-day window starting Sept. 30 when state residents are permitted to register and cast an early ballot simultaneously.

The Republican Party has filed

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ]

a lawsuit in state court to block registering and voting on the same day, arguing that state law forbids it.

Asked whether his party planned to use foreclosure information to compile challenge lists, Robert Bennett, a spokesman for the Ohio Republican Party, said the party did not discuss its election strategies in public.

[After this article was published, Mr. Bennett sent an e-mail message adding that the Ohio Republican Party condemns "any effort to challenge the eligibility of voters based on home foreclosures."]

Similar questions were raised two years ago over how to deal with more than a million people who were displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Some of these voters were never found, while others were able to vote with absentee ballots or at satellite locations outside New Orleans.

“Foreclosure victims are distinctly vulnerable because they are not officially recognized as a group needing voting help,” said Robert M. Brandon, president of the Fair Elections Legal Network, a liberal-leaning voting rights group.

Last month, his organization sent letters to the secretaries of state in Arizona, Florida, Missouri and Ohio, asking them to better educate foreclosure victims on their rights. The letters argued that the laws in these states do not bar such voters from voting in their former jurisdictions if their intent is to move back as soon as circumstances allow.

On Wednesday, Jennifer L. Brunner, the Ohio secretary of state who is a Democrat, sent out an advisory to all local officials instructing them what to do if anyone who has lost a home to foreclosure shows up at the polls. If the address listed for such voters is no longer valid, and they moved outside the precinct, Ms. Brunner said, poll workers are instructed to send the voter to the polling place that corresponds to the voter’s new address. The voter will then be given a provisional ballot — special ballots that can be counted only after the voter’s eligibility is verified — at the proper polling place, the directive said.

The state requires that election officials send a notice to all registered voters verifying their address 60 days before an election to check the accuracy of the voter rolls. This month, Ms. Brunner ruled that an undeliverable notice will not be grounds enough on its own for a voter to be removed from the registration lists.

So far, election officials in Indiana, Kentucky,

Missouri and Ohio have sent out

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ] notices to residents

in select counties who have filed

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ] for a change of address

but who have not updated

[ present perfect actif négatif ]

their voter registration.

But the number of people who have moved

[ present perfect actif affirmatif ] ,

through foreclosure or for any other reason, far exceeds the number of people who have notified their election boards. In Ohio, 375,000 people filed change-of-address forms with the Postal Service, but when state officials sent them cards asking for updated registration information, only 24,000 responded. In Missouri, where 250,000 people notified the Postal Service of their move, only 22,000 told the election board.

Robin Carnahan, the Missouri secretary of state, and a Democrat, said that she is trying to get local election officials to increase the number of poll workers to deal with any confusion or challenges of voters.

In 2004, a Republican Party official challenged a large number of voters at a largely black precinct in Boone County, Mo., causing a backup. Such challenges can cause long lines at polling places if there are not enough poll workers to pull challenged voters out of line, or if the workers have to consult with higher-level election officials for each challenge.

State political parties have traditionally used
[ present perfect actif affirmatif ] the mail to determine which voters to challenge. By sending out mailings to voters likely to be of the opposite party, and then seeing which mailings are returned as undeliverable, they know whom to challenge at the polls for not living at their registered address. Using public lists of foreclosed homes, however, can save money by allowing a party to avoid sending out mailings.

William Nowling, a spokesman for the Michigan Republican Party, said that Democratic complaints about foreclosure victims being singled out were baseless.

“We are not using foreclosure lists in any way,” Mr. Nowling said, accusing Democratic groups of engaging in fear-mongering by spreading rumors of such plans. “Our voter integrity efforts are solely designed to fight voter fraud perpetrated by the Democrats, of which there is ample proof and examples, including previous elections where the F.B.I. had to seize and secure ballots in Detroit because ballot boxes were being stuffed.”

As Homes Are Lost, Fears That Votes Will Be, Too,
NYT, 24.9.2008,






"Over the last three years,

Charles Schwab came away

[ passé actif affirmatif ]

with the gold medal for performance

during that trying period,

beating both the market and competitors

by a wide margin."

- Barron's, January 19, 2004

Charles Schwab ad, New York Times,
BU p. 5, February 8, 2004.






In Pittsburgh in July, three major foundations,

including two founded with family fortunes

from Heinz and Rubbermaid,

stopped a $3.5 million donation

that had been approved but not yet paid.

Over the last five years,

the foundations have given

[ present perfect actif ]

the schools $11.7 million,

but they decided to withhold money

at least temporarily

because the politically split school board

and superintendent were constantly squabbling.

Some of the money was supposed

to help children learn to read,

but the schools had no way of independently verifying

whether the program was working, the foundations said.

Businesses not feeling so charitable toward schools,
USA Today, 17.9.2002,






Currie likes Fidelity's fund

because of its excellent track record.

According to Money Management,

it has achieved [ present perfect actif ]

a return of 18.3 per cent a year growth

over the last five years.


The two Schroder funds have also performed

[ present perfect actif ]

well over the last five years.


The Seoul fund has returned

[ present perfect actif ]

26.5 per cent a year over this period,

while the Pacific fund has grown

[ present perfect actif ]

by 14.6 per cent a year.

All of these funds are higher risk

and only for those who want to take on

long-term, higher-risk approach to investment,'

says Currie.

How the experts invest: We pay them for their opinions,
but do financial advisers follow their own savings advice?
Alistair McArthur finds out, Observer, 12.10.2003, https://www.theguardian.com/money/2003/oct/12/






'Normally we pay out between 90% and 110%.

'Because the situation over the last two years

has not been [ present perfect actif ] normal,

we have pushed slightly above that.'

Official: that mutual feeling pays savers:
Shareholder companies give customers a fifth less,
reports Jill Insle,
Observer, 5.5.2002,










Voir aussi > Anglonautes >

Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé


present perfect


verbes réguliers


verbes irréguliers




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