learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
groupe verbal
forme pleine (non contractée)
... I am one!
The Phantom George Olesen and Graham Nolan Created by Lee Falk 27 August 2004 http://www.kingfeatures.com/features/comics/phantom/about.htm
I am happy.
You are smart.
He is lazy.
She is beautiful.
It is great.
We are French.
You are stupid.
They are crazy.
( ≠ passé en be + -ing )
I was
You were
He / she / it was
We were
You were
They were
(également appelé passé modal ou prétérit modal)
anglais dit "correct" : were à toutes personnes (I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they) :
If I were a boy,...
Beyoncé - If I Were A Boy Music video Beyoncé 2009 YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWpsOqh8q0M
anglais familier : was à toutes les personnes
futuro formes > "passé" hypothétique
Cette forme verbale devrait être renommée car elle ne fait pas référence au passé, mais à une hypothèse relative au présent ou au futur :
Scientists have created an image of how John Lennon would have looked
if he were still alive. [ passé hypothétique > ici hypothèse relative au présent ]
Using the latest in computer technology, psychologists and
computer scientists at St Andrews University created the image of the ex-Beatle as he might have looked on his 64th birthday.
was killed [
passé temporel
passif > fait historique ] at the age of 40 when Mark Chapman shot
him [
passé temporel
actif > fait historique ] in New York
December 8, 1980.
DMa, 9.10.2004,
anglais familier > "passé" hypothétique > be
If I / it was...
Man, I wish I was somewhere else.
Steve Kelley political cartoon GoComics September 02, 2021 https://www.gocomics.com/stevekelley/2021/09/02
Left: U.S. president Joe Biden
Last Kiss John Lustig GoComics December 20, 2013 http://www.gocomics.com/lastkiss#.UrXHb_TuKAk
If Shakespeare was writing today, he'd [ = would ] be a crime writer G Saturday 23 April 2016 07.30 BST Last modified on Saturday 23 April 2016 07.31 BST
En anglais dit "correct",
à l'exception de be, qui se conjugue were à toutes les personnes du "passé" hypothétique,
tous les verbes au "passé" hypothétique ont la même conjugaison qu'au passé temporel :
Voici 2 exemples avec le verbe irrégulier have :
le passé temporel et le "passé" hypothétique de have ont la même forme : had
"passé" hypothétique :
If I had the time, I would + Base Verbale...
passé temporel :
As a child, I had...
autres énoncés
If Trump were president: [ "passé" hypothétique ] Boston Globe's fake front page dares to imagine
Paper paints a depressing picture of what the nation, and the world, could face in the event of a Trump presidency
If Trump were president:
Congratulations! You’ve Been Fired
APRIL 9, 2016 The New York Times By DAN LYONS
AT HubSpot, the software company where I worked for almost two years, when you got fired, it was called “graduation.” We all would get a cheery email from the boss saying, “Team, just letting you know that X has graduated and we’re all excited to see how she uses her superpowers in her next big adventure.” One day this happened to a friend of mine. She was 35, had been with the company for four years, and was told without explanation by her 28-year-old manager that she had two weeks to get out. On her last day, that manager organized a farewell party for her. It was surreal, and cruel, but everyone at HubSpot acted as if this were perfectly normal. [ "passé" hypothétique ]
We were told
we were “rock stars”
passé temporel
suivi d'un passé temporel actif ]
who were “inspiring people” and “changing the world,”
but in truth we were
passé temporel actif ]
Is Erasing Doubts on Mobile
July 24, 2013 The New York Times By VINDU GOEL
If Facebook were a car, [ "passé" hypothétique ]
it just went from zero to 60 mph in six seconds. [ "passé" hypothétique ]
The social networking company said Wednesday that it had revved up its mobile advertising from virtually nothing a year ago to 41 percent of its total ad revenue of $1.6 billion in the second quarter.
Facebook Is Erasing Doubts on
Has Apple Peaked?
September 21, 2012 The New York Times By JOE NOCERA
If Steve Jobs were still alive, [ "passé" hypothétique ]
would the new map application on the iPhone 5 be such an unmitigated disaster?
Interesting question, isn’t it?
Has Apple Peaked?, NYT,
Scientists have created an image of how John Lennon would have looked if he were still alive. [ "passé" hypothétique ]
Using the latest in computer technology,
psychologists and
computer scientists
at St Andrews University
created the image of the ex-Beatle
as he might have looked on his 64th birthday.
was killed
passé temporel passif > fait historique ]
at the age of 40 when Mark Chapman shot him
in New York
December 8, 1980.
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé
concordance des verbes et des modaux
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire explicative en BD - niveau débutants