learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé
groupe verbal
verbes et modaux
sens > irréel, hypothèse, souhait
Le "passé"hypothétique est appelé aussi passé modal / prétérit modal :
comme un auxiliaire modal, un verbe au "passé"hypothétique ne se conjugue pas, un verbe au "passé"hypothétique a la même forme à toutes les personnes (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
Un verbe au "passé"hypothétique n'exprime pas le passé temporel, mais une hypothèse relative au futur :
‘It would be very cool if I was named the next James Bond’
ou au présent :
If my father were alive today, were à toutes les personnes ]
he would be humbled [ valeur conditionnelle du modal would ]
as a new generation emerges, yet again inspired, in part, by his life and words.
Précédée de l'expression it's high time, une proposition avec un verbe au "passé"hypothétique n'exprime pas le passé temporel, mais un enjeu futur.
Ci-dessous, le "passé"hypothétique fought se traduit en français par le présent du subjonctif, ici à sens futur :
Il est urgent que nous combattions...
en anglais dit "correct", pour tous les verbes - sauf be -, le "passé"hypothétique a la même forme que le passétemporel.
Par exemple, le verbe irrégulier meet a la même forme au "passé"hypothétique et au passé temporel :
meet (Base Verbale)
met (passé temporel / "passé" hypothétique)
met (participe passé )
what would you do if you met the man
[ "passé"hypothétique de meet ]
who shot you and left you for dead?
[ passétemporel des verbes irréguliers shoot et leave ]
rétro forme
past perfecthypothétique
hadauxiliaire + verbeau participe passé
"If President Truman or President Eisenhower had used [ past perfecthypothétique ] nuclear weapons in the Korean war, and Lord knows they got that advice,
the whole subsequent history of warfare and the rules of warfare would have been changed." Nuclear War Strategists Rethink the Unthinkable, NYT 19 September 2003
if + Nsujet + V"passé" hypothétique
irréel > souhait
Nsujet + wish + N + V"passé" hypothétique
What Your Teen Wishes You Knew About Sex Education
The Guardian p. 5 4 March 2006
The Guardian Society 2 p. 29 8 February 2006
I just wish I knew why I feel so miserable.
For Better or For Worse comics By Lynn Johnston Washington Post 10 July 2011
But if we pulled out, Iraq would slip into chaos!
Mike Keefe political cartoon The Denvers Post Cagle 10 September 2004
Oil Price Would Skyrocket if Iran Closed [ "passé" hypothétique ] the Strait of Hormuz
January 4, 2012 The New York Times By CLIFFORD KRAUSS
HOUSTON — If Iran were [ "passé" hypothétique de be ] to follow through with its threat to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, a vital transit route for almost one-fifth of the oil traded globally, the impact would be immediate: Energy analysts say the price of oil would start to soar and could rise 50 percent or more within days. Oil Price Would Skyrocket if Iran Closed the Strait of Hormuz,
Help Needed for the Economy
July 2, 2010 The New York Times
If the economy were [ "passé" hypothétique de be ] a coal mine, the job market would be an 800-pound canary, warning of a recovery that is running out of oxygen. Help Needed for the Economy,
How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the Midterms
November 2, 2010 11:59 pm The New York Times By TIMOTHY EGAN
Timothy Egan on American politics and life, as seen from the West.
If I were [ "passé" hypothétique de be ] one of the big corporate donors who bankrolled the Republican tide that carried into office more than 50 new Republicans in the House, I would be wary of what you just bought. For no matter your view of President Obama, he effectively saved capitalism. And for that, he paid a terrible political price.
How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the
Obama says bin Laden must not be a martyr
June 18, 2008 Filed at 3:50 p.m. ET The New York Times By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Barack Obama says if Osama bin Laden were captured [ "passé" hypothétique passif ] on his watch, he'd [ would ] want to ensure he doesn't become a martyr if he were prosecuted. Obama said he's not sure that the terrorist mastermind would be captured alive.
But if he were [ "passé" hypothétique de be ],
Obama said [ passé temporel de say ],
he would want to bring him to justice [ valeur de futur conditionnel de would ],
'in a way that allows the entire world to understand the murderous acts that he's engaged in and not to make him into a martyr.'' Obama was asked about how he would handle bin Laden at a news conference Wednesday after he met with a new team of national security advisers. The meeting came after rival John McCain's campaign criticized Obama for a having a pre-9-11 mind-set for promoting trial of terrorists.
Obama says bin Laden
must not be a martyr,
"If President Truman or President Eisenhower had used [ past perfect hypothétique ]
nuclear weapons in the Korean war, and Lord knows they got that advice, the whole subsequent history of warfare and the rules of warfare would have been changed."
War Strategists Rethink the Unthinkable,
I would quit if I lied,
[ lied : ici passé temporel du verbe régulier lie > hypothèse relative au passé temporel, même si il s'agit d'une éventualité > si j'avais menti ]
Blair tells MPs
Tony Blair was forced on to the defensive yesterday when he admitted that he would have to resign as prime minister if he lied to parliament over his role in the outing of the government scientist, Dr David Kelly.
Headline and 1 §,
hypothèse relative au présent
forme interrogative
If Nsujet V"passé" hypothétique Nobjet, would Nsujet BV...?
If ChatGPT designed"passé" hypothétique a rocket — would it get to space?
March 22, 2023 NPR
irréel > souhait
Nsujet + wish + N + V"passé" hypothétique
The Guardian Work p. 1 20 December 2008 http://digital.guardian.co.uk/guardian/2008/12/20/pdfs/gdn_081220_wo1_1_21498925.pdf
The care support broker:
[ could : ici, forme / valeur hypothétique du modal can ]
Telling people how to spend their money is a trap that Jeremy Long-Price tries hard to avoid. A former nurse, he now works in the independent sector as a "broker" helping personal budget holders plan their support. "My main priority is what they want out of life and what can be achieved with the funds they've got," he says. "It's about helping people to express their true wishes and needs, not about telling them what they should spend their money on. That would perpetuate old-style care management where people took what they were given." The care support broker: 'I wish I could do more',
Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé
énoncés en it's time + "passé" hypothétique
présent, passé temporel, "passé" hypothétique
hypothèse sur un fait passé > past perfect
may > valeurs > hypothèse première