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Videos > Documentaries > 2020s > USA




Health > Coronavirus >  SARS-CoV-2 virus


COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S.


warning: graphic / distressing



Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom

NYT    23 August 2021





Dying in the Name of Vaccine Freedom

NYT Opinion        Video        NYT        23 August 2021


In the video above,

Alexander Stockton, a producer on the Opinion Video team,

explores two of the main reasons

the number of Covid cases is soaring once again

in the United States: vaccine hesitancy and refusal.


“It’s hard to watch the pandemic drag on

as Americans refuse the vaccine in the name of freedom,”

he says.


Seeking understanding,

Mr. Stockton travels to Mountain Home, Ark., in the Ozarks,

a region with galloping contagion and — not unrelated —

abysmal vaccination rates.


He finds that a range of feelings and beliefs underpins the low rates

— including fear, skepticism and a libertarian strain of defiance.

This doubt even extends to the staff at a regional hospital,

where about half of the medical personnel are not vaccinated

— even while the intensive care unit is crowded

with unvaccinated Covid patients fighting for their lives.


Mountain Home — like the United States as a whole —

is caught in a tug of war between private liberty and public health.

But Mr. Stockton suggests

that unless government upholds its duty to protect Americans,

keeping the common good in mind, this may be a battle with no end.



















An Easy Way To Understand Variants

-- Using Puzzle Pieces

NPR    6 May 2021





VIDEO: An Easy Way To Understand Variants -- Using Puzzle Pieces

Video        NPR        6 May 2021


The world is very worried about coronavirus variants.

As the virus mutates — which all viruses do — variant strains emerge.

Some of these variants are more effective

at infecting humans and may even cause more severe disease.

Variants that appear to fall into this category have been identified

in Brazil, South Africa, the United Kingdom — and now India.

And in an interconnected world, they can spread from one country to another.

How does a mutated version of the virus

improve its chances of being transmitted to humans?

If you imagine viruses as puzzle pieces,

as this video does,

that can help explain what is happening

when a coronavirus variant comes into contact with human cells.


















Inside a Covid I.C.U., Through a Nurse's Eyes

NYT Opinion    25 February 2021





Inside a Covid I.C.U., Through a Nurse's Eyes

Video        NYT Opinion        25 February 2021


The short film above

allows you to experience the brutality of the pandemic

from the perspective of nurses inside a Covid-19 intensive care unit.


Opinion Video producer Alexander Stockton spent several days

reporting at the Valleywise Medical Center in Phoenix.

Two I.C.U. nurses wore cameras to show

what it’s like to care for the sickest Covid patients

a year into the pandemic.


So many Americans have died in hospitals

without family by their side,

but they were not alone.


Nurses brush patients’ teeth,

change their catheters and hold their hands

in their final moments.


In just a year

 we’ve lost half a million Americans to Covid-19.

Vaccinations may be offering some relief,

but inside I.C.U.s, nurses continue to contend

with the trauma and grief of America’s carousel of death.



















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