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learning > grammaire anglaise - niveau avancé


GV > auxiliaires > modaux


comment traduire en anglais

devoir > doit / devait / devrait :


formes verbales et modales



must + Base Verbale (BV)



have + to + BV



have got + to + BV



ought + to + BV



should + BV



be + to -> BV



seem set + to -> BV    /    be set + to -> BV



be + expected + to -> BV



may + BV















Définitions :


Relation prédicative


Nsujet  <-> V + complément.







dire quelque chose du sujet

à l'aide du prédicat

(prédicat = verbe + complément).





Relation prédicative valide


ce qui est dit du sujet

est présenté comme vrai / correspondant à la "réalité".





Ne pas confondre

énonciateur / énonciatrice

(celui / celle qui parle)

et sujet grammatical

(celui dont on parle),

même si

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

peut évidemment parler

de lui-même / d'elle-même.


Dans ce cas,

énonciateur / énonciatrice


sujet grammatical
















must + Base Verbale (BV)



mustépistémique + BV


valeur épistémique de must





That's a lot of sandwiches, mommy...

you must be hungry!


mustépistémique > valeurs > ici > déduction



Rex Morgan M.D.

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan

25 February 2005










Mandrake        Fred Fredericks        Created by Lee Falk        12 November 2004










Rex Morgan M.D.        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        13 October 2004











Flash Gordon        Jim Keefe        29 August 2004















 Avec mustépistémique (1),

l'énonciateur / lénonciatrice porte un jugement /

formule une hypothèse

sur la validité de la relation prédicative

(Sujet they + Prédicat be eight years old) :


j'estime que ce que je dis / déduis / pense

est très probablement vrai, justifié, juste.



1 -    The grey designer trouser suit

she opted for on leaving hospital

after keyhole surgery on her knee

was a stylish addition to the royal wardrobe.


'They are the only trousers I have made for her

and they must be eight years old,' he said.

Suits you, ma'am, as the Queen leaves hospital,
DM, p. 9, 15.1.2003.


Le couturier estime que ce pantalon

a été fabriqué très probablement il y a huit ans.






On retrouve cette valeur épistémique en 2.

Le journaliste estime

que même si le dictateur iraquien Saddam Hussein

a l'habitude de se sortir de situations extrêmes,

il doit bien se rendre compte,

sentir que la fin de son règne approche :


2 -    Even Saddam Hussein,

arch-survivor though he is,

must see that the end of his regime is near

as American columns easily penetrate the heart of Baghdad

after a war in which the US and the Britain

have so far lost no more than 121 dead.

Victory is in sight, but so many enemies remain,
I, § 1, p. 17, 8.4.2003.






3 -    A partir de données bien établies,

l'énonciateur (celui parle / écrit) fait une déduction,

formule une hypothèse

sur les conditions de vie des dinosaures.


Cet énoncé montre bien qu'avec mustépistémique,

l'énonciateur ne fait qu'évaluer la probabilité

de la réalisation de la relation prédicative

they - have been looked after by their parents.


Il n'y a ici aucune possibilité d'agir sur la réalité

(valeur de mustradical) :


As a social structure the clan also nest together.

This 'gregarious' nesting

has been shown for other species of dinosaurs,

most famously in the duckbill Maiasaura

with Jack Horner's discovery of a group of nests in Montana.

Another aspect of the Maiasaura find was

that one nest had a collection of bones in it from babies

which were a matter of weeks old.

The fact that the babies were still in the nest

for any length of time after hatching indicates

that they must have been looked after by their parents.


Given where they lived,

these dinosaurs must have had to cope

with freezing temperatures from time to time.

While some animals stay active throughout the winter,

others cope with the temperatures by hibernating.

Behind the scenes, Programme 5 "Spirits of the Ice Forest",
by Jasper James, Producer, Walking With Dinosaurs,











Mandrake        Fred Fredericks        Created by Lee Falk

3 September 2004 / 4 September 2004







Spiderman        Stan Lee        25 September 2004
















mustradical + Base Verbale


must > valeur radicale > injonction, constat




You must believe me!

I'm terrified of the Tarantula!


Spiderman        Stan Lee        27 August 2004


















The Guardian        p. 38        19 January 2006
















The Guardian        Film Adaptations        p. 1        5 May 2006

















Epidémie redoutée

mercredi 28 septembre 2005 - 17:18


Peur sur l'aéroport de Sydney, mercredi.

Selon des responsables indonésiens,

57 personnes pourraient avoir contracté

la grippe aviaire en Indonésie depuis juin dernier.

Vingt d'entre elles seraient actuellement hospitalisées

à Jakarta.


Les autorités qui redoutent une épidémie,

annoncent l'arrivée de 20.000 doses de Tamiflu d'ici vendredi.


Ce traitement anti-viral permettrait de réduire de 30%

la mortalité chez les malades.


Le virus a déjà fait six victimes dans le pays.























The Guardian        p. 19        10.11.2005







Must do!


A l'inverse de la séquence verbale

have + toconnecteur + BV,

le devoir impératif imposé par le modal mustradical

est mis en scène comme une injonction

inédite, prioritaire, objective,

à laquelle - en apparence - on ne peut se dérober

(l'énoncé-slogan Must do! est objectif / impersonnel :

il n'a pas de sujet).



Avec mustradical + BV + !,

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice cherche à cacher,

à annuler tout ce qui a été dit auparavant,

à remettre le discours à zéro.



Il s'efforce ici d'effacer de sa mémoire

tout ce qu'il doit faire de secondaire,

de se fixer une priorité.



Loin de l'emporter et de se détacher du déjà-dit / prévu,

l'injonction Must do!

est cernée par un chaos de mots d'ordre parasites

(voir publicité ci-dessus).



Cette publicité montre bien qu'un énoncé en mustradical,

en dépit d'une évidence de façade et d'un volontarisme théâtral,

ne sera pas facilement mémorisé, puis réalisé, par le destinataire

(qui est ici, via la fiction publicitaire, l'énonciateur lui-même).















Dans certains énoncés,

must peut avoir les deux valeurs :



- épistémique

("jugement" / décision d'ordre juridique, éthique,





- radical

(impératif : faites ce que je dis / ce que je pense)



The floating border barrier in the Rio Grande must be removed,

a federal judge rules


September 6, 2023    6:25 PM ET


































To be or not to be?

It's not our choice


We must oppose any form of euthanasia or assisted suicide,

says the Bishop of Oxford


A bill making it possible to help the terminally ill to die

is going to the House of Lords tomorrow.

I recognise that many readers of The Observer will support it.

Lord Joffe, who is moving it,

once expressed great surprise to me that,

whereas we would agree on all the great liberal causes,

I would not be supporting him on this one.

I oppose his bill not just because of its social effects

and impact on doctor/patient relationships,

but because, at its heart, is a flawed understanding

of what it is to be a human being,

one that places an excessive emphasis on personal autonomy

to the neglect of our mutual interdependence.

Headline and sub,
O, 9.10.2005,










Avec mustradical,

la phase théorique / épistémique

- moi, énonciateur, j'estime, je déduis, je juge que... -

est passée.


Ce qui est énoncé ne relève plus

de l'hypothèse, du jugement abstrait,

de la discussion / démonstration,

de la parole réfléchie

(se parler à soi-même, se questionner, s'interroger),

mais de l'injonction, du slogan, du mot d'ordre.


L'explication de l'ordre a déjà été faite,

n'est plus à faire, elle a été validée une fois pour toute.


Ce qui est dit / écrit doit advenir, être fait immédiatement :





The Guardian        p. 8        24 June 2006


















The Times

August 1, 2005


Contexte :

attentats à Londres, juillet 2005.

































Spiderman        Stan Lee        5.1.2005


















Battered men get their own refuge

O        p. 4        21.12.2003


















Visitors must report to site office


Panneau à l'entrée de chantiers à Londres.


















The Guardian        Society pullout frontpage        29.9.2004
















Guardian        p. 8        28.8.2004












Guardian        p. 6        28 August 2004















Catholic diocese must pay $1.9 mln for abuse



A California jury on Wednesday awarded two brothers

nearly $2 million for sexual abuse they suffered

at the hands of a Catholic priest a quarter century ago.

Catholic diocese must pay $1.9 mln for abuse,
R, Wed Apr 13, 2005 08:41 PM ET,






Prozac must have suicide warning


US to insist risks for children

are spelt out on all antidepressants


All antidepressant drugs must carry

the strongest possible public warning

that they could cause children to harm themselves or commit suicide,

US authorities said yesterday in a landmark ruling

which has repercussions for the whole class of drugs.

Headline and first §§, G, 15.9.2004,






NEW YORK (Reuters) - Americans rang church bells,

remembered the nearly 3,000 dead

and gathered to pray on Saturday

to mark the third anniversary of the devastating

Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.

At the site of the fallen World Trade Center towers in New York,

parents and grandparents of the victims solemnly read

the names of victims before a large crowd,

adding personal comments or blowing kisses skyward.

"We love you more today than yesterday,

and we will love you more tomorrow than today,"

one mother said.

Musicians played softly as the names were read.

The ceremonies were smaller and more subdued

than those of the first two years since the attacks,

and some speakers used the day,

within two months of the Nov. 2 presidential election,

to make political points.

In Washington,

President Bush led a national moment of silence

and then used his weekly radio address to mark the day.

"Three years ago, the struggle of good against evil

was compressed into a single morning," he said,

describing the 102 minutes in which

hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center,

the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field.

In Boston, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry,

the Democratic nominee seeking to replace Bush in the White House,

called for Americans to come together to fight terrorism.

"While Sept. 11 was the worst day we have ever seen,

it brought out the best in all of us," he said.

"And we must always remember that we will only defeat those

who sought to destroy us by standing together as one America."

U.S. Marks Anniversary of Sept. 11 Attacks, R, 11.9.2004,






We must unite against barbarism


The appropriate response to the Beslan slaughter

is grief, anger and solidarity,

not criticism of the Russian security forces,

writes William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard

Headline and sub, Comment section, FT frontpage, 9.9.2004.






School says girls must wear trousers


A secondary school in Suffolk has become

the first in Britain to ban girls from wearing skirts

and order them to switch to uniforms with long trousers.

Headline and sub, G, 21.6.2004,















A l'inverse,

have + toconnecteur + BV

sert souvent

- mais pas toujours -

à rappeler

un devoir automate,

routinier, connu,

établi, inévitable

(voir plus bas).





Dans l'exemple ci-dessous, l'énonciateur

(George W. Bush, 43ème président des Etats-Unis)

affirme que le dictateur irakien Saddam Hussein

doit désarmer (obligation, impératif, diktat, ultimatum) son pays.


Le président américain entend imposer sa volonté.


La relation prédicative (Sujet he + Prédicat disarm)

doit (must) se transcrire dans les faits :


'Time is running out on Saddam Hussein.

He must disarm.

I'm sick and tired of games and deception.'

'I am sick and tired of Saddam. Time is running out,
DM, p. 10, 15.1.2003.



Les énoncés en mustradical

peuvent donner l'impression d'être des ultimatums.

Ils laissent toutefois une marge de manoeuvre,

un certain choix au co-énonciateur.


mustradical signale que l'obligation est nouvelle,

qu'elle doit être énoncée pour la première fois,

qu'elle n'est pas encore acceptée.


Le co-énonciateur peut très bien choisir

de se dérober face à une injonction de type You must do it!,

alors qu'il lui sera difficile de se soustraire

à une suggestion, un conseil ou un ordre

formulés avec have + to + BV.


La valeur de cette séquence

ne laisse aucun choix au co-énonciateur,

renvoyant à un devoir qu'il a déjà accepté,

qu'il ne peut qu'accepter.


Exemple tiré du film The Green Mile :

dans la dernière scène d'exécution à la chaise électrique,

un gardien rappelle en chuchotant à son chef,

tétanisé à l'idée de mettre à mort un innocent,

qu'il doit donner le signal de l'exécution :


Paul... you have to do it...


Traduction explicative :

Vu les circonstances, étant donné ton métier,

tu as déjà accepté de faire ça,

tu ne peux pas faire autrement,

tu sais bien / vois bien que tu dois donner le signal,

tu n'as pas le choix...


L'effet de

have + toconnecteur + BV

sur le co-énonciateur

est celle d'un impératif minoré,

d'un rappel consensuel,

auquel on ne peut échapper.

you have to do it... = do it...


Traduction explicative :

Vas-y, fais-le, tu sais bien qu'il faut le faire...




A l'inverse, dans The Revenge of the Siths (2005),

film d'action où les personnages sont constamment

confrontés à des situations imprévues,

il y a de nombreux énoncés en mustradical.









mustradical > Autres énoncés


Idée de "devoir" > expression du futur : will + have + to -> Base Verbale





Failed asylum seekers must work for no pay


Rejected asylum seekers who cannot go home will in future have

to undertake compulsory unpaid community work

in return for benefits as part of a last-minute package of measures

to tighten Britain's asylum laws announced last night.

Headline and sub, G, 9.8.2004,







Britain 'must never be afraid' to fight terrorists

Headline, I, 13.3.2004,






Must do better

Headline, G, 18.2.2004,






Saddam must now answer for crimes against humanity

Captured, Comment, Ts, p. 19, 15.12.2003.


Pour l'éditorialiste du Times,

Saddam Hussein doit être jugé

pour crimes contre l'humanité.






The U.N. Security Council,

toughening demands made at the end of the Gulf War in 1991,

said Iraq must declare any weapons violation by Sunday.

U.S. says evidence on Iraq is 'solid': Won't tip hand until report by Baghdad,
U, p. 1, 6.12.2002.


Pour le conseil de sécurité,

l'Irak doit déclarer toute violation

des résolutions de l'ONU d'ici à dimanche (ultimatum).






Blair must go if Hutton blames him,

say voters


Tory ultimatum on PM backed by majority of electorate

Headline and sub, G, 15.1.2004,















mustépistémique > passé / référence au passé



Mark Trail        Jack Elrod        Created by Ed Dodd in 1946

31 March 2005









A la différence de

will (would), shall (should), can (could) et may (might),

must n'a pas de forme passée.



1. Marqueur de temps et concordance des temps

attribuent à must une valeur de passé :

1.    In the spring of 2003

there must have been grounds for optimism at Lambeth Palace

that the storm over the homosexuality issue was dying away.

The horizon was clear - Rowan Williams was widely accepted

as Archbishop of Canterbury, even enthusiastically so

in much of the Church of England -

so perhaps there could be hopes of more tranquil times ahead.

Canon fodder: The decision to appoint Canon Jeffrey John
as its first gay bishop last year split the Church of England.
In a revealing new book, the Guardian's religious correspondent Stephen Bates
lays bare the politics, manoeuvring and hypocrisy
behind one of the most ignoble episodes in the Church's history,
G, 18.6.










Voir aussi


Formuler une hypothèse relative au passé

would / must épistémique / may / might
















have + toconnecteur + BV



















The Guardian        Review        p. 24        7.10.2006


















Steve Kelley


23 June 2004

















The Guardian        p. 33        25 January 2007





























A l'inverse du modal must,

la forme verbale have + toconnecteur + BV

s'emploie souvent lorsque l'énonciateur,

en discours comme en pratique,

n'a pas le choix (constat, éthique, action),

ou prétend ne pas avoir le choix.


Cette inévitabilité, réelle ou de façade,

laisse peu de latitude à celui / celle à qui l'on parle.






have + toconnecteur + BV  :


le devoir relève ici souvent de la routine, de la redite, du on-dit,

de vérités universelles, de processus bien établis, de règles admises,

de situations qui ne connaissent qu'une seule issue,

de jugements déjà formulés et supposés connus, acceptés

(voir cartoon ci-dessus // expression française :

 "Nul n'est censé ignorer la loi").




Autre cas de figure :


j'ai raison, mon point de vue est le bon,

"on ne peut que reconnaître, admettre le fait que...,

on n'a pas le choix, il faut absolument..."



Le co-énonciateur n'a pas le choix.



L'énonciateur impose son point de vue,

le présente comme une évidence indiscutable.



Traduction explicative de la plupart

des énoncés en have + toconnecteur + BV  :


"Il ne peut pas en aller autrement,

on ne peut pas faire autrement,

tu sais bien qu'il doit en être ainsi,

que les choses se passent comme ça depuis toujours,

on n'a pas le choix,

tu n'as pas le choix, c'est obligé,

on-est-bien-obligé-hein, c'est-comme-ça-hein,

c'est notre boulot."



Cette référence,

ce rappel à du consensuel / non-discutable

- réel ou fictif - sont marqués par have,

qui signale que le référent du sujet

a déjà en lui cette obligation, qu'elle lui est inhérente.



Le référent doit accomplir une action prédéterminée

dans une circonstance donnée,

c'est plus que sa fonction ou son devoir,

c'est presque sa nature.



Explication des signes utilisés dans cette structure :


have + toconnecteur + BV,

et non have + to -> BV :

to, ici, n'annonce pas du jamais-dit.

Il n'est pas viseur (->),

mais simplement connecteur.



L'énonciation en

have + to + BV  /  havetoBV  /  haftaBV

a un aspect béhavoriste,

elle fonctionne comme l'émission d'un signal connu :


moi-énonciateur, je te "siffle",

je te rappelle simplement

que tu dois (have +) faire ça (to + BV).



Une séquence have + toconnecteur + BV

ne doit donc pas être confondue

avec une suite en be + toviseur -> BV,

qui, elle, transmet une information

présentée comme inédite :



The Church of England is to allow

gay clergy to enter into civil partnerships

but only if they promise to abstain from sex,

according to guidance issued yesterday.

'Marriages' but no sex for gay clergy,
DT, p. 2, 26.7.2005.






Autre point important :

le devoir normal, normé, attendu,

efface énonciateur et co-énonciateur.


En français,

on traduirait I've to go


Il faut que j'y aille.










Inférieur à celui de must,

le degré de persuasion

de have + toconnecteur + BV

est parfois presque inexistant.



Ci-dessous, l'énonciateur anonyme

ne fait que rappeler, de façon ironique,

ce à quoi sont contraints

les clients d'opérateurs téléphoniques à bas prix :





The Guardian        p. 1        24.11.2004










Enoncé suivant :

le journaliste rapporte les propos

du militant palestinien Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi.



Celui-ci rappelle un lieu commun,

à savoir que tous les hommes doivent mourir, tôt ou tard.

Il est dans la nature des hommes d'être mortels,

ils sont mortels par définition,

c'est dans l'ordre des choses, indiscutable :



After the Yassin assassination,

he remarked that everyone had to die sooner or later.

[ on doit tous mourir un jour ou l'autre ]


"It's death, whether by killing or by cancer.

Nothing will change.

If by Apache [helicopter] or by cardiac arrest,

I prefer Apache", he said.

Leader of Hamas for just 25 days, he fought for a free Palestine:
Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi,
p. 10,












The Guardian        23.6.2003










The home secretary was talking

about shifting the standard of proof required for conviction.

In criminal cases, a jury has to be satisfied

beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty.

In civil cases, the judge only has to be satisfied

on a "balance of probabilities".

What David Blunkett wants is to shift the standard of proof

so that terrorists can be convicted

on the - far easier to prove - balance of probabilities.

So why are Blair, Falconer, Goldsmith et al

talking about shifting the burden of proof,

which is about who has to prove the case?

Even under Blunkett's idea,

the burden of proof would still be on the prosecution to show guilt,

though by way of an easier standard of proof.

He is not suggesting that the burden be shifted,

to make the accused prove his innocence.

So why are all these lawyers,

who know better, using standard and burden

so carelessly and interchangeably?

Slips of the tongue, maybe,

but ones that could cause public confusio

 on an issue that matters.

Innocent until proven guilty?:
Even the most precise brains in the country
sometimes get their terminology wrong,
G, 17.2.2004,






When she saw her one-year-old daughter

flinch at the sight of her violent husband,

Helen, who was five months pregnant with her second child,

decided she had to leave.

Help for child victims of domestic violence, G, 31.12.2003,






You have to accept when you interview Bob Geldof

that he's going to end up shouting at you.

It's not that he's so horrible or egotistical,

and he's certainly not

the bully he's sometimes made out to be

- but God that mouth, it never stops.

Bob almighty: Musician, Third World campaigner,
millionaire businessman and now Britain's favourite 'mum'...
pinning down Bob the Gob can be tricky.
But behind Geldof's relentless drive is a palpable fear of poverty and loneliness,
as Barbara Ellen discovers, O, 12.10.2003,






"Before, I was working at Tesco,

on the checkout, stackin' shelves."

She shakes her head.

"But I can't do the nine to five.

I have to do music."

MC Shystie, GI / pullout, p. 3, 30.9.2003.






If it's war, it has to be legitimate


Mr Blair has leverage and must use it

Headline, O, 22.12.2002,
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,864379,00.html - borken link







Students who fail to grasp this formula

are forcefully encouraged to get the message.

One girl currently has to wear

a sign around her neck at all times, which reads:

'I've been in this programme for three years,

and I am still pulling crap.'

The last resort (part one):
When you have a teenager on the rampage, who are you going to turn to?
In America, parents send their troubled offspring to Jamaica's Tranquility Bay
- a 'behaviour-modification centre' which charges $40,000 a year to 'cure' them.
Decca Aitkenhead, the first journalist to gain access to the centre in five years,
wonders if there isn't too high a price to pay
, O, 26.6.2003,






Experts, however, say it is difficult to ascertain

how many species have vanished for ever

because a species has to disappear for 50 years

before it can be declared extinct.

Earth 'will expire by 2050' : Our planet is running out of room and resources.
Modern man has plundered so much, a damning report claims this week,
that outer space
will have to be colonised, O, 7.7.2002,
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,750783,00.html - broken link






Cambridge comes out top again but many former polytechnics

perform strongly in traditional subjects

in the Guardian's university league tables, published today.

Oxford has to settle for second place and London confirms

its regional pre-eminence with five of the top 10 in the overall rankings,

compiled for the paper by Brian Ramsden,

former head of the higher education statistics agency,

and Rosa Scoble, of Brunel University.

Cambridge on top, but new universities make gain,
G education, 20.5.2003,






The first American conscientious objector from the Iraq war

will give himself up at a marine base in California this morning.

He said he believed the war was "immoral

because of the deception involved by our leaders".

Stephen Eagle Funk, 20, a marine reserve

who was due to be sent for combat duty,

is currently on "unauthorised absence" from his unit.

He faces a possible court martial

and time in military prison for his action.

"I know I have to be punished for going UA,"

Mr Funk told the Guardian in an interview

before surrendering to authorities,

"but I would rather take my punishment now than live with

what I would have to do [in Iraq] for the rest of my life.

I would be going in knowing that it was wrong

and that would be hypocritical."

Marine who said no to killing on his conscience, G, 1.4.2003,






When the group met for the first time

to review the SSRIs in November,

before Ms Blears announced its existence,

the two Glaxo shareholders had to leave the room

when Seroxat was discussed,

but they were able to be present

during general discussions of the SSRIs.


The Seroxat Users Group was unhappy

about the conflict of interest on the review team

and its apparent reluctance to look at evidence

of the side-effects suffered by its 4,000 members.

Sarah Venn, of the group, said:

"I think it is a decision that had to be made.

The review members that they had

were put in an untenable position

faced with personal conflicts.

Drug review halted over company links, G, 26.3.2003,






Why the organic revolution had to happen


When British people farmed simply and ate plainly

there was no need for organic produce.

But fears over pollution, pesticides,

synthetic fertilisers, mad cow disease,

growth-hormone injections, swine fever, salmonella,

GM food and foot and mouth changed all that.

Gradually we lost our faith in food

Headline, O, 21.4.2001,
http://observer.guardian.co.uk/foodmonthly/story/0,9950,475210,00.html - broken link















have got + toconnecteur + BV




Spiderman        Stan Lee        31.8.2004


















Vic Harville

Little Rock, Arkansas

Stephens Media Group




Apple releases video iPod, may change TV rules

By Jon Swartz, USA TODAY

Posted 10/12/2005 1:54 PM Updated 10/13/2005 12:08 PM


SAN JOSE, Calif. — Giving the iPod a bold new look,

Apple Computer (AAPL) on Wednesday

unveiled a video version of the music player

that now lets it show everything from TV shows

— including Desperate Housewives and Lost—

to music videos and short films.

















The BBC has got to change


The governors can no longer play

both manager and regulator

Headline and sub, Comment,















ought + toconnecteur + BV





This ought to cheer you up!



Tom Wilson & Tom II


January 09, 2022



















These webs oughta hold you!


Spiderman        Stan Lee        10.9.2004








Même si, en apparence,

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice peut utiliser

ought + to + Base Verbale (BV)

pour ouvrir un débat ...



There Ought to Be a Law Against Hate


The New York Times

The Opinion Pages

Op-Ed Contributor


JULY 27, 2015



LAST week, the Department of Justice indicted Dylann Roof,

the suspect in the shooting deaths of nine people

in Charleston, S.C., for hate crimes.

Officials said they were bringing this indictment

because they were worried that the racial motivation in the case

would not be addressed adequately by a trial in a state court.


The reason for this concern

is that South Carolina is one of five states

(the others are Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana and Wyoming) that,

according to the Anti-Defamation League,

have no laws enhancing penalties for bias-motivated crimes.

The national profile of the massacre in Charleston

has stirred this action,

but as a rule federal hate crime prosecutions are rare.


Since federal hate crime legislation passed in 2009

the government has obtained only 29 convictions.

Compare this with New York, where in 2013 alone

(the most recent year for which data is available),

state prosecutors reported 149 hate crime convictions.

There Ought to Be a Law Against Hate,
NYT, JULY 27, 2015,





... ought + to + BV

ferme toute possibilité de débat :


étant donné

ce que pense d'habitude l'énonciateur sur ce sujet,

ce dont il est persuadé,

ce qui - selon lui - doit / devrait être fait,

ce qui doit / devrait se passer relève de l'évidence.


Il n'y a plus ni à réfléchir, ni à débattre :

"c'est comme ça" / "Parce que ! / Point final".


L'exemple ci-dessous

- I ought to support the effort -

montre bien que

ought + toconnecteur + BV

exprime un devoir qui,

vu la position de l'énonciateur

- et la position de ceux qui pensent comme lui -

est attendu, normal,

dans l'ordre des choses / du discours,

et n'a rien de surprenant, d'imprévisible.


Logique / a priori / doxa :

Je suis à gauche et pro-choix,

donc je suis censé / je devrais soutenir /

on attend de moi que je soutienne cette initiative.



Suicide by Choice? Not So Fast


October 31, 2012

The New York Times



NEXT week,

voters in Massachusetts will decide

whether to adopt an assisted-suicide law.

As a good pro-choice liberal,

I ought to support the effort.

But as a lifelong disabled person,

I cannot.

Suicide by Choice? Not So Fast,
NYT, 31.10.2012,






A l'inverse du modal should,

qui place l'énonciateur / le co-énonciateur dans un débat,

ought + toconnecteur + Base Verbale

marque un discours fermé, impersonnel ("on" dit que...)

et souvent stratifié, dogmatique :



Could You Come Up With $400

If Disaster Struck?


April 23, 2016

6:26 PM ET




On redefining what it means

to be part of the American middle class


We do need to redefine that.

But that's a very, very tall order.

But the beginning is to have Americans

who are suffering from financial impotence

— which is nearly half of America

if you believe this data —

it's them coming out and saying,

"You want to know something?

I'm tired of feeling like a failure because I'm told

that everybody in America ought to be rich

if only they work hard."

Could You Come Up With $400 If Disaster Struck?,
NPR, April 23, 2016,






Abortion: The facts


Cormac Murphy-O'Connor,

leader of six million Catholics, says

it ought to be an election issue


[ dogme religieux et politique :

l'avortement doit être un enjeu électoral,

cela s'impose, cela n'est pas à discuter ].


Tony Blair disagrees.


So should it be?


[ ouverture du débat par le journaliste ]

Headline and sub, I, 16.3.2005,






Valeurs de ought :


évidence, logique, pré-énoncé, a priori, doxa,

idée reçue, tradition, strate / moule culturel.



Avec ought + toconnecteur + BV,

l'énonciateur ne cherche pas à évaluer / modaliser

la validité de la relation prédicative.



La validité de l'énoncé en ought est déjà acquise :


le discours se déroule sur le mode du "on",

de la strate discursive, du réflexe pavlovien,

de l'absence de choix.



Exemple :


George W. Bush,

43ème président des Etats-Unis

et ancien gouverneur du Texas,

Etat champion de la peine de mort,

ne peut que réclamer la peine capitale

pour Saddam Hussein, l'ancien dictateur irakien :


President George Bush called last night

for Saddam Hussein to face the death penalty,

as fresh violence across Iraq signalled

that his capture has by no means

stifled the anti-US insurgency.

Mr Bush told ABC news:

"I think he ought to receive the ultimate penalty ...

for what he has done to his people."

He added: "He is a torturer, a murderer,

and they had rape rooms,

and this is a disgusting tyrant who deserves justice,

the ultimate justice."

Saddam should die, says Bush, G, 17.12.2003,

















Mike Thompson

Detroit, Michigan, The Detroit Free Press        Cagle




Related :

U.S. dismisses call for Chavez's killing

Venezuela VP urges U.S.

to act on Robertson's 'criminal' remark



Bush administration officials Tuesday dismissed

Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson's

call for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

as the remarks of a private citizen,

but Venezuela accused Robertson of promoting terrorism.



Wednesday, August 24, 2005; Posted: 1:34 a.m. EDT (05:34 GMT)
















ought + toconnecteur + Base Verbale


autres exemples





1 - Pour le poète,

il est évident / il va de soi que la poésie doit parler

de la vie jusque dans ses aspects sociaux,

comme la violence à l'école :


1 -    During his tenure as laureate,

Motion has often departed

rom the tradition of ceremonial poems on royal occasions.

He has written on Nelson Mandela,

national identity, homelessness and bullying.

He said: "My underlying feeling is

that poetry ought to be part of general life

rather than being ghettoised."

Poet laureate joins doubters over Iraq,
GE, p. 1, 9.1.2003.






2 -    L'énonciateur estime que son travail

lui rapportera 160 livres par semaine ;

un tel salaire est normal, dans "l'ordre des choses" :


"OK, a loan then. How much can you loan me?"

"What's your income?"

"Right now I'm on Job Seeker's Allowance of £53.05 a week,

but I hope to get a job soon

that ought to bring in somewhere around £160 a week."

"Well, how much do you want?"

"My flat is completely empty so I want whatever you can give me."

"No, it doesn't go like that.

You have to make a bid

and I have to decide if it's reasonable.

I judge you on how reasonable your demands are."

The other side of the tracks,
GE/G2, p. 4, 13.1.2003.






3 - Le journaliste rapporte

l'opinion de la droite dure israélienne,

pour qui Israël doit intensifier

la répression de la deuxième intifadah.


Avec ought + toconnecteur + BV,

il n'y a pas débat

(à l'inverse de should) :


3 -    Marshalled by Binyamin Netanyahu,

a former and would-be-future prime minister,

rightwing critics say that Mr Sharon,

softened by Mr Peres's Delilah-like charms,

is frittering away the unique opportunity,

created as they believe on September 11th,

of winning the intifada.

Far from ending the fight, they say,

Israel ought to be intensifying it.

The beginning of the end of the Palestinian uprising?,
E, p. 49, 29.9.2001.






En termes de conscience collective,

ought + toconnecteur + BV

introduit le dogme, le pré-jugé,

l'idée reçue, l'opinion admise,

partagée par la plupart

(ce qui va de soi,

ce qui tombe sous le sens dominant).



Le débat est clos :

l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

n'est qu'un relai de l'opinion / de la religion

voir dernier énoncé en bas de page



L'énonciateur récite,

il ne porte pas de jugement

(jugement au sens épistémique du terme).



Il peut éventuellement rappeler

ce qu'il considère être une évidence :


"We ought to look in a mirror and get proud,

and stick out our chests and suck in our belies

and say, 'Damn, we're Americans!"

Retired Lt. Gen. Jay Garner, F, p. 6, 12.5.2003.


Contexte :

Jay Garner réagit aux questions des journalistes

sur les victimes civiles de la guerre en Irak.






If You’re Collecting Our Data,

You Ought to Protect It


February 16, 2013

The New York Times



LAST summer,

employees at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

received an in-house newsletter illustrated

with mock front pages of USA Today and The Washington Post

and seemingly hyperbolic headlines like:

“NASA Laptop Stolen, Potential Compromise

of 10,000 Employees’ Private Information!”

The catastrophizing turned out to be prescient.

On Halloween, just a few months after the newsletter went out,

a laptop used by an employee at NASA headquarters in Washington

was stolen from a parked car. Subsequently, NASA sent letters

to about 10,000 current and former employees and contractors,

warning them that the laptop had not been encrypted.

The letter explained that confidential details

— like employees’ names, birth dates, Social Security numbers

and, in some cases, personal information from background checks —

may have been compromised.

If You’re Collecting Our Data, You Ought to Protect It, NYT, 16.2.2013,






Mrs Greed teaches RE.

She has been abused and threatened,

and had a knife and even a loaded gun

pulled on her by unruly pupils


The case of the teacher raped by a pupil

has prompted teachers like Elizabeth Greed to speak out

against what she calls 'the disease of lack of respect'

that has broken out in Britain's classrooms.

Here 'IoS' Education Editor Richard Garner begins

a major new series examining the state of our schools


08 May 2005

Elizabeth Greed has spent more than three decades

teaching religious education to children in rural Wiltshire,

one of the most tranquil parts of the country.

It ought to be a dream job.


But she knew that things had changed for the worse

when a violent drugs row spilled over into school,

and she found herself facing an angry teenager

and a Colt .45. Loaded.


It was, she says, an astonishing new low point

in a job already damaged by the rising tide

of violence, abuse and plain unruliness

that affects thousands of schools,

pupils and their teachers around the country.

Headline, sub and first §§,
IoS, 8.5.2005,















should + Base Verbale




Rex Morgan M.D.        Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        4 July 2004




















Forme affirmative

valeur > hypothèse > forte probabilité




moi qui parle,

je pense que ce que je dis

est très probablement vrai.


Ce que je dis, je fais remarquer, je prévois,

ce que je calcule, j'estime,

a de fortes chances de se réaliser,

mais j'affirme aussi que la validité de cette prévision /

la réalisation de cette hypothèse reste soumise

à des inconnues, conditions, contingences (if... if...).






U.S. stocks should stay firm next week

if the Federal Reserve

says the economy is recovering

and if corporations entering the heart

of the so-called confession season

go slow on profit warnings.


But jobs fears or data

showing slow durable goods orders in August

could hurt stocks,  analysts said,

noting that the market has enjoyed

a good run since it bottomed out last month.


Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan

is seen in this April 21 file photo.


Photo by Kevin Lamarque


Reuters        18.9.2004







NEW YORK (Reuters)

- U.S. stocks should stay firm next week

if the Federal Reserve says the economy is recovering

and if corporations entering the heart

of the so-called confession season

go slow on profit warnings.

Fed, Corporate Forecasts to Set Tone,
R, 18.9.2004,

















The Guardian        p. 6        28 May 2005



































Shouldépistémique > forme affirmative


constat, prise de conscience


The Guardian        Weekend        p. 14        1 April 2006

















Shouldépistémique et radical


valeurs énonciatives


jugement, estimation, interrogation,

débat, choix, dilemme, conseil,


avoir le pouvoir de...


ce que je dis est vrai

(valeur épistémique)


ce que je dis doit être fait

(valeur radicale)



Trump should face justice

just like anyone else would,

argues Rep. Raskin


Updated December 20, 2022    NPR



















Here's what experts say

police should have done

in the Uvalde school shooting


May 27, 2022    NPR




















Choosing A Charity:

Should You Go With Your Heart Or Your Head?


November 29, 2016    NPR


















Who Should Decide

What Books Are Allowed In Prison?


February 22, 2020    NPR


































The Guardian        p. 30        15 February 2007



















forme affirmative


ce qui est dit

est nécessaire, juste et justifié,

doit être rapidement

fait / pensé / connu.



remarque, recommandation,

injonction, obligation, impératif,

devoir moral.



Cette valeur radicale

se double souvent

d'une valeur épistémique :


cette injonction

est le résultat d'une réflexion


- si je donne cette injonction,

c'est que j'estime

qu'elle est rationnelle, pensée,






'Tomboy' 10-year-old was beaten to death

The Guardian        p. 8        12 July 2005











Cette valeur radicale

peut aussi se doubler

d'une valeur morale, éthique,

incontestable :



With 51 people dead in Texas,

here's what you should know

about migrant smuggling


Le modal should

ne se traduit pas ici

par le présent du conditionnel du verbe devoir

"vous devriez"

- qui laisse le choix / la liberté

au co-énonciateur

de faire ou pas

ce qui lui est conseillé.


Le modal should

se traduit ici

par le présent de l'indicatif :


"vous devez" (obligation).



Updated June 28, 2022    NPR









































































'You Should Resign':

Watch Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Grill Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf


Facing off with the CEO

whose massive bank appropriated customers' information

to create millions of bogus accounts,

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.,

had sharp questions Tuesday

for Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf.

She said Stumpf made millions of dollars in the "scam,"

telling him,

"You should resign ..

 and you should be criminally investigated."

September 20, 2016,
2:04 PM ET






All U.S. Blood Donations

Should Be Screened For Zika,

FDA Says


August 26, 2016

11:06 AM ET

Joe Neel


The Food and Drug Administration

is recommending that blood banks

screen all blood donations in the U.S. for the Zika virus.

It's a major expansion from a Feb. 16 advisory

that limited such screening to areas

with active Zika virus transmission.

In a statement released Friday, the FDA says all those areas

are currently in compliance with blood screening,

but that expanded testing is now needed.

"As new scientific and epidemiological information

regarding Zika virus has become available,

it's clear that additional precautionary measures are necessary,"

the FDA's acting chief scientist, Luciana Borio,

said in the statement.

All U.S. Blood Donations Should Be Screened For Zika, FDA Says,
Aug. 26, 2016,







    Visitors please note:


V&A visitor pass, 27.8.2004.


Traduction explicative :

Ce badge doit (valeur > obligation)

être porté en permanence.






Dear Peter

Please find herewith the latest blabla for Tea and Chat

which should replace what is already there.

Thank you.


E-mail, 26.11.2004.


Traduction explicative :

... qui doit remplacer... / qu'il faut mettre à la place de...

































Shouldépistémique + radical


valeur épistémique :


l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

émet un jugement

sur la réalisation,

la véracité, la validité

de la relation prédicative.




valeur radicale :


l'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

souhaite voir ce jugement

se traduire dans les faits










valeur épistémique


ce qui je dis est vrai /

(très) probablement vrai

(valeur épistémique)




valeur radicale


ce qui je dis

doit (très) probablement /

devrait /

aurait dû

se produire

(valeur radicale)




What we see on our roads

that should give us rage...


traduction explicative :


on est tellement habitué

à la violence par armes à feu

que l'on n'y fait même plus attention,

donc moi qui vous parle

je vous rappelle cette vérité,

je vous interpelle

pour que vous preniez enfin conscience

que c'est ce cortège / cette litanie

absurde et sans fin

qui devrait nous indigner / révolter...

(valeur épistémique)





sous-entendu :

... et qui devrait nous amener à réagir

(valeur radicale)





What we see on our roads

that should give us rage...




Walt Handelsman

Editorial cartoon


April 15, 2016
















Stop reading now.

The information that follows

should not be published and,

should you choose to read it,


[ should + N + BV

= should > valeurs > ici > hypothèse :

si vous faisiez le choix de le lire ]


should not be shared with others.

Magic makers angry as Houdini spell is broken,
4 June 2004,
















The Guardian        G2        p. 20        15 March 2007















Contrairement à

ought + toconnecteur + Base Verbale,

shouldépistémique ou radical

laisse souvent le débat vraiment / faussement ouvert,

révèle une part d'incertitude, un dilemme :


dois-je faire ce que je pense,

ce que je sais / pense

être bon / bien / juste ?





The Guardian        p. 10        6 October 2004










Husband of Hoboken Crash Victim

Struggles to Tell Their Child


SEPT. 30, 2016

The New York Times




The man waited outside

a day care center in Hoboken, N.J.

He had a question for the owner:

How was he going to tell his daughter

that she would never see her mother again?


His wife, Fabiola Bittar de Kroon,

had been killed by falling debris

after a commuter train barreled into Hoboken Terminal

during the Thursday morning rush.

She was the one fatality.


Now, hours later,

her husband, Adrianus de Kroon,

was at Smart Start Academy,

a day care center not far from the train station.

He met with its owner, Karlos Magner, outside.


“He said, ‘What should I tell her?

How should I handle this?’”

Mr. Magner said.

Husband of Hoboken Crash Victim Struggles to Tell Their Child,
Sept.30, 2016,






Should the U.S. Leave Afghanistan Now?







Should I call you dad?


Michael Rosen reflects

on the fears and insecurities of being a stepfather

Headline and sub, G, 30.6.2004,






Enoncé suivant :


le directeur est présenté / préjugé

comme celui qui devrait être tenu

pour responsable des retards du métro :


the man commuters should blame for...


Un doute subsiste

sur la validité / la réalisation du jugement :

Or is he?



A no-nonsense 54-year-old

who used to run Land Rover,

Morgan is the man commuters should blame

for delays, dirt and deterioration.


Or is he?

According to the government's

deeply controversial public-private scheme,

Morgan's Tube Lines consortium is responsible

for the upkeep of tracks, tunnels and stations.


But London Underground,

which will stay in public ownership,

runs the trains and is responsible for safety.

Terminal touchdown, GE, p. 16, 18.1.2003.    











The Guardian        p. 7        14 October 2004
















Doute sur la validité de l'estimation


voir aussi le comics ci-dessous


You sure about that?




Rex Morgan M.D.

Woody Wilson and Graham Nolan        4 July 2004


















Shouldépistémique + radical


L'énonciateur / l'énonciatrice

ne se contente pas

de porter un jugement

(valeur épistémique),


il / elle veut le voir

s'appliquer rapidement

(forte valeur radicale).


should a ici valeur

de revendication.




The Guardian        p. 12        3 November 2004














Shouldépistémique + radical

indique souvent plus qu'une forte probabilité :


certitude absolue, devoir moral, jugement de cour,

commandement religieux ( // shall).



Jury Says

Scott Peterson Should Die for Murder


EDWOOD CITY, Calif., Dec. 13 -

After three days of deliberations

and nearly two years of a nationwide obsession

with the story of a young fertilizer salesman

and his pretty and pregnant wife,

the jury in the double-murder trial of Scott Peterson


[ passé temporel ]

on Monday

that he should be put to death.

Jury Says Scott Peterson Should Die for Murder,






1 / 2 -    La concordance au passé

des formes auxiliaires / verbales implique should

après le passé temporel ruled.



Il n'en reste pas moins

que l'on retrouve dans ce should

la valeur principale de shall (voir shall).



L'énonciateur premier est le juge,

et non le journaliste,

qui rapporte les propos du juge.



1 -    Let baby die peacefully, court rules


(...), the desperately ill baby

at the centre of a legal battle

between her parents and doctors,

should be allowed to die peacefully in her parents' arms

and not be subjected to further aggressive treatment,

a high court judge ruled yesterday.

[ verbe régulier au passé temporel ]

Headline and §1,
G, 8.10.2004,






2 -    Severely ill baby

ought to be allowed to die,

judge tells parents


(...) sat in a wooden pew

at the Royal Courts of Justice,

gripping each other's hands,

barely able to look at the judge

as he ruled

[ passé temporel ]

that, despite their most fervent wishes,

their 11-month-old daughter should be allowed to die.

Headline and §1,
I, 8.10.2004,










The Guardian        p. 7        3 July 2004










Should est ici proche de shallprophétique :


moi qui te parle,

d'une part je pense / j'estime / je juge

que personne ne devrait tuer en mon nom

(valeur épistémique, morale),

et d'autre part je dis que ce jugement

doit s'appliquer (valeur radicale)



Luis Daniel Izpizua:

I am a Basque.

No one should kill in my name

Headline, I, 13.3.2004,









The Guardian        p. 2        6 July 2004










The Guardian        30 June 2004



Traduction explicative :

je pense que ce que vous devriez faire,










Blair should apologise for handling of war,

says poll


Tony Blair should use

tomorrow's Commons debate on the Butler report

to repair his damaged reputation

by apologising for his handling of the war in Iraq,

an opinion poll suggested yesterday,

as Michael Howard moved

to distance himself from the conflict.

The prime minister last week said

he took responsibility for errors

and had searched his conscience.

No 10 aides said an apology would be interpreted

as admitting he had been wrong to go to war,

which he repeatedly denies.

Headline and first §§,






After Hutton, the verdict:

51 per cent say Blair should go


Tony Blair's loss of public trust after the war on Iraq

and the Hutton report is underlined today

by a poll for The Independent

showing more than half of voters want him to resign.

Headline and §1, I, 7.2.2004,






Yelland: Sun should not back Tories

Headline, O, 14.6.2004,






The Prime Minister has intervened

in the management of the ramshackle rail network

to demand an eight-fold increase in targets for improvement.

Rail chiefs are aiming to ensure that around 90 more trains

arrive on time every day,

but Tony Blair thinks

the figure should be more than 700.

Blair orders hike in SRA train targets, IoS, 8.2.2004,






Dans cet épisode du comics britannique Alex,

le premier should est à la fois

épistémique et radical :


As head of department you really should take firm action...


je pense (valeur épistémique)

que tu devrais faire ça (valeur radicale),

fais ce que je dis / ce que je pense,

ce que je te conseille / suggère fortement,



le second should est épistémique

(estimation, supposition, prévision) :


That should keep me out of the office

till someone else gets round to sacking him...



Taylor        DTe        17 July 2004















Valeur épistémique + valeur radicale atténuée


Une estimation / évaluation en should

peut avoir valeur de simple conseil :


For most people, the MyDoom virus,

which last week became the fastest-spreading ever

to hit the internet, was just annoying.

It filled inboxes with fake, bounced messages,

infected attachments and incorrect scoldings

from antivirus companies claiming

that you'd tried to infect one of their clients.

But unless you were infected

(and if you have a PC running Windows,

you should check to make sure; see below),

it was just the computer equivalent of a traffic jam.

Focus: Invasion of the cyber-gangsters:
Who is behind the devastating MyDoom virus?
Almost certainly organised criminals, says Charles Arthur,






We should not fear religion


In an age of increasing spirituality

the Christian churches

are seeking new ways of linking people

Headline and sub,

O, 19.12.2004,

















autres énoncés




We should not have allowed

19 murderers to change our world


So, three years

after the international crimes against humanity

in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania

we were bombing Fallujah.

Come again? Hands up those who knew

the name of Fallujah on 11 September 2001.

Or Samarra. Or Ramadi. Or Anbar province. Or Amarah.

Or Tel Afar, the latest target in our "war on terror''

although most of us would find it hard to locate on a map

(look at northern Iraq, find Mosul and go one inch to the left).

Oh, what a tangled web we weave

when first we practise to deceive.

Headline and §1, I, 11.9.2004,








Utilisation en série de should

par Tony Blair,

premier ministre britannique (1997-2007),

lors d'un débat au Parlement :




18 March 2003 : Column 771


(...) Partners are not servants,

but neither are they rivals.

What Europe should have said last September

to the United States is this:

with one voice it should have said,

"We understand your strategic anxiety over terrorism

and weapons of mass destruction and we will help you meet it.

We will mean what we say in any UN resolution we pass

and will back it with action if Saddam fails to disarm voluntarily.

However, in return"—Europe should have said—"

we ask two things of you:

that the US should indeed choose the UN path

and you should recognise the fundamental overriding importance

of restarting the middle east peace process,

which we will hold you to.


All of us are now signed up to this vision: a state of Israel,

recognised and accepted by all the world,

and a viable Palestinian state.

That is what this country should strive for, and we will.

And that should be part of a larger global agenda:

on poverty and sustainable development;

on democracy and human rights;

and on the good governance of nations



I shall certainly do so.

The UN resolution that should provide

for the proper governance of Iraq

should also protect totally the territorial integrity of Iraq.

And this point is also important: that the oil revenues,

which people falsely claim that we want to seize,

should be put in a trust fund for the Iraqi people

administered through the UN.

Hansard, 18.3.2003,






The government should act to push the UK further ahead

in the race to develop digital media,

Victor Keegan argues

We need a signal, G, 23.1.2004,
economicdispatch/story/0,12498,1129718,00.html - broken link






They were jailed, beaten, tortured or vilified

for daring to express views that offended the president.

Now eight Iraqis, from poets to political activists,

tell Luke Harding what should happen to their tormentor

Everyday tales of Saddam's cruelty, G, 22.12.2003,















be + to + Base Verbale





Annonce d'un événement

présenté comme décidé, prévu, inévitable, inéluctable,

qui doit nécessairement avoir lieu

(au passé, idée de destin / destinée :

She was to become...).




Who is to blame for the pension crisis?

Frontpage headline,
G, 10.7.2004. Full text:






Tony Blair is to meet Jacques Chirac today.






Unprecedented security is to surround

Europe's most popular New Year Festival,

the Hogmany celebrations in Edinburgh,

because of speculation that al-Quaeda terrorists

could attack revellers.

Terror alert at Hogmany party,
O, p. 6,














seem set + to -> Base Verbale



be set + to -> Base Verbale






Blair set to hold talks with Gadafy


The prime minister, Tony Blair, is to meet

the Libyan leader, Muammar Gadafy,

it was revealed today.

Headline and §1, G, 10.2.2004,






Rowling set to win first adult book prize


JK Rowling seems set to win the only literary success

which has so far eluded her - her first adult book prize

Headline and sub, G, 14.1.2003,














be expected + to -> Base Verbale



Tony Blair is expected to call today

for a "green industrial revolution"

to avert the human and economic catastrophe

of unchecked climate change.

Blair warns of environmental catastrophe,
§1, G,















"devoir" en anglais > autres énoncés




A judge in London rejected a challenge

by Natallie Evans and Lorraine Hadley

to a law which states

that embryos must be destroyed

unless both parties consent

to storage and use.

Women lose frozen embryos court case, PA, 1. 10.2003.






Should I continue my affair with a married man

if he won't leave his wife?

Private Lives, GE2, p. 8, 2.11.2001.






As a child,

I used to think

there ought to be something funny

about Stanley Baxter,

but I couldn't quite fathom what it was

and join in the adults' laughter.

TV heroes, Stanley Baxter, I, Review, p. 23, 24.12.2002.






Collins' philosophy is that

"a dictionary should not dictate language

but should listen and record language as it is spoken now ...

language should be a living and evolving creature

rather than tied down with out-of-date

and inflexible definitions."

Collins has an aha moment with weblish,

GI, p. 6, 26.6.2003.






It is very tempting to sympathise with Dr Rowan Williams,

a good, liberal-minded person,

in the predicament that has been forced upon him

so early in his term as Archbishop of Canterbury.

But if he thinks that, by putting pressure

on the gay priest Canon Jeffrey John

to decline the post of Bishop of Reading,

the problem will somehow go away,

he is in for a rude shock.

His decision won't endear him

to the evangelicals who opposed his election,

but will rightly anger the liberal opinion

in the church that brought him to power

- and all of this without solving the basic problem

about the rights of gay people,

who are accepted as individuals in the church,

to take up positions of authority.

For once the voice of the developing world

has been listened to,

but, sadly, it is one of the few occasions

when it should have been totally ignored.

Archbishop Williams bowed

to the bigoted views of Archbishop Peter Akinola,

leader of the 17.5million-strong church in Nigeria,

who declared homosexuality

to be an abomination that would trigger a schism

if Canon John became bishop of Reading.

By contrast, one vicar in the north of England asked

in his parish newsletter this week

how many times Jesus had mentioned homosexuality

- to which his answer was "zilch".

Although the decision is being presented

as a voluntary one by Canon John

on the grounds that he believed his consecration

could do damage to the church,

there is no doubt that he was bounced into it

after a long meeting in Lambeth Palace on Saturday.

This ought to have been an easy decision for the church

since Dr John has not only declared

- quite unnecessarily - that he was celibate

but also that he would abide by the church's position

on the ordination of gay people,

even though he believes it penalises honesty.

He should unquestionably have been promoted

to send an unmistakable signal

that the church has entered the 21st century.

As it is, he quite possibly has a case

for constructive dismissal.

The bigots win, GW, 10/16-7-2003, p. 12,






In church on Sunday morning, their last morning,

the Coverdales murmured that they had done things

which they ought not to have done

and left undone those things which they ought to have done.

They uttered this in a reverent and quite sincere way,

but they did not really think about what they were saying.

Mr Archer preached a sermon

about how one ought to be kind to old people,

to one's elderly relatives,

which had no bearing on anything in the Coverdales' lives,

though plenty on the lives of Eunice Parchman and Joan Smith.


'Woe to the wicked man

who spreadeth slanders in the ears of the innocent!"

Joan didn't necessarily quote from the Bible.

Just as often she ranted in biblical language

what she thought ought to have been in the Bible.

A Judgment in Stone, Ruth Rendell,
pp. 167-169,
ISBN 0 09 917140 6.










Voir aussi > Anglonautes > Grammaire anglaise explicative - niveau avancé





formuler une hypothèse


may, might, should, must



should > valeurs > débat



questions en should



auxiliaires be, have, do,

auxiliaires modaux,

question tag




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