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Vocapedia > USA > Immigration


warning: graphic / distressing



migration, migrants



immigration, immigrants



immigration >

causes of out-migration

from Central America



illegal immigration >

journey from Colombia to Panama >

Darién gap



illegal immigration > migrants >

Southern border



Southern border > border patrol



illegal immigration > migrants >

Southern border >

Rio Grande / Rio Bravo



illegal immigration > migrants >

Southern border >




illegal immigration > Southern border >

family separation - 2018



illegal immigration > Southern border >

unaccompanied child migrants



illegal immigration >

Southern border wall, Trump's border wall



illegal immigration >

smugglers, human smuggling / trafficking



illegal immigration,

undocumented immigrants



illegal immigration, undocumented immigrants >




illegal immigration, undocumented immigrants >




illegal immigration, undocumented immigrants >

detention, deportation



illegal immigration > sanctuary



asylum seekers



immigration >

hyphen nation, melting pot, citizenship










Explore more on these topics

Anglonautes > Vocapedia


farming > farmworkers



White House > President > Executive orders



slavery, eugenics,

race relations,

racial divide, racism,

segregation, civil rights,




conflicts, wars, climate, poverty >

asylum seekers, displaced people,

migrants, refugees




climate change,

global warming



democracy, human rights, migration, politics,

society, religion, health, climate, resources >

international, world > regions, countries



countries > Nicaragua



countries > Panama



countries > Venezuela



frustration, anger, hate



The Pledge of Allegiance



America, USA > iconic words






immigration > UK






Related > Anglonautes > Videos


Central America, Mexico, USA > Immigration






Related > Anglonautes > History


USA > late 19th, early 20th century

Immigration > Ellis Island






Related > Video > New York Times > Immigration






Related > Library of Congress

Immigration and Relocation in U.S. History


The history of the United States

has always been shaped by peoples and communities

who came to its shores or moved within its borders.


Some sought a better life, some fled oppression,

and some were moved against their will.


This presentation

uses Library of Congress primary sources

to explore moments and experiences

from several of these communities.






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